Saturday, 30 April 2011

Job Interviewing - Do's and Dont's - Before, During and After an Interview

Almost all job seekers recognize the importance of preparing for a job interview. And that means more than just showing up with your resume in hand and a smile on your face. You probably know at least some of the things you should do to get ready. However, have you also thought about what you should not do - before, during and after an interview?
We've compiled a "Top 10-12" list of Do's and Dont's for the before, during and after stages of any job interview. Follow these and you can be assured you'll be ready to make a success of that interview - and confidently and quickly move to the top of the Hiring Manager's "hiring" list.

Before the job interview - before you arrive at the company
1. Do research the company (and the interviewers, if possible) to learn as much as you can. Don't act cocky during the interview to show off your research
2. Do realize that there are different types of job interviews and find out which type you will be having. Don't walk into a surprise! 

3. Do review possible interview questions and prepare your responses. Don't memorize your answers or over rehearse so you won't sound rehearsed at the interview.
4. Do role-play if possible with a family member or friend and ask for feedback on your presentation. Don't ask someone who can't be objective, however.
5. Do take a practice run to the interview location to be sure you know exactly where it is and how long it may take you to arrive. Don't get lost (and if for some crazy reason you do get lost on the way, don't say that to the interviewer).
6. Do plan to arrive 5-10 minutes early. Don't arrive any earlier or you may appear desperate. And if you unexpectedly are running late, Do call the interviewer or other company representative to let them know your expected arrival time.
7. Do understand that your interview begins way before you greet the interviewer(s). It actually begins the moment you begin the trip to that interview. Be alert and courteous at all times. You never know who you may interact with as you head to the interview. Don't lose your cool. Be alert and courteous to everyone!
8. Do ask what a company's dress code is and dress the part. Don't assume you automatically know even if the company is similar to a previous employer.
9. Do focus on hygiene. Brush your teeth prior to the interview. Use a mouthwash or have a breath mint. Don't smoke before - or during - the interview, even if the interviewer smokes and offers you a cigarette, etc.
10. Do turn off your cell phone or pager (or put it in silent vibration) and don't turn it back on until the interview is completed.

During the interview - from the moment you arrive until you leave
1. Do greet the receptionist with respect. Here is where you can make a great first impression. Don't assume they won't be asked for their input after you leave.
2. Do complete a job application without comment, if you are given one. Don't balk and say your resume has everything on it.
3. Do bring additional resumes and or job skills "sales brochures" and offer to all interviewers. Don't expect everyone to already have a copy.
4. Do greet interviewer(s) by title; e.g., Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr., and last name. Don't assume you know the pronunciation of a last name. If the least unsure, ask the receptionist before going into the interview.
5. Do shake hands with anyone who offers their hand. Shake their hand firmly. Don't have a limp or clammy handshake; and wait until you are offered a seat before sitting down. And remember that body language often speaks louder than words. Sit upright; be alert and look interested at all times. Make good eye contact with the interview. Don't slouch, fidget, become distracted or stare at the interviewer.
6. Do demonstrate enthusiasm for the company and job; and a high level of energy and confidence. Don't be soft-spoken, overly assertive or appear anxious or desperate to get the job (or just any job to become employed), however.
7. Do sell yourself. Make certain that your accomplishments come across to the interviewer(s) in a way that sincerely speaks directly to their company's needs. Show how you can benefit their company. Don't expect your application or resume to do the sales job for you, and don't offer any negative information about yourself.
8. Do take advantage of your time with the interviewer to evaluate them and their company as a potential employer and your mutual "fit". Don't overlook an opportunity to ask questions as you may appear as though you are not interested.
9. Do answer questions completely. Answer truthfully and succinctly but no "yes" or "no" answers. Offer examples, explanations; showcase your talents, skills, and accomplishments. Don't over-answer, however. Know when to stop.
10. Do be ready for the unexpected questions. To give yourself time to think, repeat the question or ask the interviewer to repeat it. A brief 1-2 second pause is OK. Don't however, fall back on long, uncomfortable pauses or statements such as, "Wow, that's a good one!" which make you appear unprepared.
11. Do attempt to delay any discussion about salary, vacations, bonuses, etc., until after you have an offer. Be prepared for a question about your salary requirements with a generic response. If you know the salary range the company is offering and it is acceptable to you say, "I'm sure we can find agreement within your salary range." Don't initiate the discussion.
12. Do constantly act as if you are determined to get the job and never close the door on an opportunity until you are positive it is not for you. Don't shoot yourself in the foot if you want the opportunity by bringing us personal issues, controversial topics, anything negative about former colleagues and employers, telling jokes, using poor language, chewing gum

Closing the interview and afterwards - your work is not done just because the interview is
1. Do close the interview by expressing your interest in the job. Ask what the next steps are, and when the company will make a hiring decision. If appropriate based on how the interview has gone, close the sale - ask for the job. Don't jump the gun, however.
2. Do ask for business cards from each person you interviewed with. Don't make assumptions about even simple names; get the spelling if you can't get the card.
3. Do capture the highpoints of the interview immediately after. Don't forget crucial details.
4. Do have an action plan in place based on a strong, well-thought out interview follow-up strategy. This can give you a huge competitive advantage over others who interviewed for the job and don't follow-up. Don't let this be a haphazard activity with no structure; just a letter here, a call there. There's no better way to lose an opportunity than to give follow-up little importance. And there's no better tool to use to reinforce the benefits you can bring a company than recognizing and using the real value of follow-up.
5. Do write thank you letters within 24 hours to each person who interviewed you to continue to show your interest and enthusiasm for the company and job, without sounding desperate. Don't fail to send a thank you, even if the job is not a good fit for you.
6. Do focus on the content of the thank you letters, not so much on whether it's hand-written or typed. Show appreciation for the company's interest in you and remind those receiving your thank you letter why you are the uniquely qualified candidate for the position. Don't send the thank you letter through the incorrect medium, however; make sure you know the best way to reach those interviewers - regular mail, email, fax, a phone call., etc. And don't have any errors in your thank you notes.
7. Do alert your references, if you haven't already, that they may receive a call from your prospective employer. Don't forget to brief them on what was said - by you and the interviewers - during the interview.
8. Do continue to follow-up, especially if requested by interviewer(s). Don't go overboard however. There's a huge difference between a squeaky wheel getting the oil, and an annoying pest getting the flyswatter.
9. Do be patient. You must work with the company's timeline. Don't however, stop your job search - even if you're confident you'll get the job. Continue to seek out other opportunities and interview. This can benefit you in at least two ways:
a. Should you get the job, you can leverage other offers in your job offer negotiations
b. Should you not get the job, you'll have other opportunities to pursue
10. Do turn a negative situation (not getting the job) into a positive (getting a referral). Add the interviewers to your job search network. Nurture this budding relationship so that you can ask them to refer you to other contacts. Don't, in other words, ever burn any of the bridges you build in your job search. Always think of ways to use them - and to reciprocate. Doing so, can benefit you now and in the future - for any other job search needs as well as growing your career.

There you have it, the top Do's and Don'ts for acing your interview.

By Pat Andrew 

Friday, 29 April 2011

Highest Paying Careers - Exciting and Rewarding Careers Worth Pursuing

If you think that you have to sacrifice enjoyment and excitement for a top paying job, you've got it all wrong. To be quite honest, some of the highest paying careers in the world are those that are the most rewarding - in more ways than one.
Many people have the wrong notion that having one of the highest paying careers means being cooped up in a corporate office staring at numbers and vice-versa.

Although there are corporate jobs that pay exceedingly well, there are also a great number of wonderful job opportunities that will make you feel like you're not even at work! Want to find out what these opportunities are? Read on!
1) Airline Pilots
A lot of boys (and some girls) grow up wanting to become an airline pilot. However, not a lot of them actually pursue the career. Somewhere along the way, they forego such seemingly distant dreams for something closer to home. Another obstacle is that it's quite expensive to study and train for this type of career.
However, airline pilots have one of the highest paying careers in the world. There are also a multitude of benefits that come with flying a plane. The travel perks for you and your family certainly counts as one of those advantages. It's also easy to map out your career once you start on this path. The higher your rank, the better paid you will be.
2) Podiatrists
A medical career is definitely one of the highest paying careers in the world. However, becoming a doctor or a surgeon takes a whole lot of time and money. Not everyone can spend years studying medicine, although the return on investment is almost guaranteed.
Still, not all branches of medicine are that way. You can opt to become a podiatrist - a doctor who deals with injured feet and ankles. Usually, you must have at least three years of college before you can get into a school of podiatry. Still, it's considerably a shorter term than if you pursue general practice. It might not be a very glamorous occupation, but the pay is good and your hours are usually your own.
3) Accountants
Accountants are also among the highest paid careers out there. While you do have to deal with numbers, it's more about understanding the business rather than real Math equations.
This job is also non-gender specific, which makes it an ideal career prospect for anybody. Not to mention, there is a shortage of certified accountants in the world. If you're good at what you do, companies will run after you and offer you skyrocketing salaries.
Even if you have one of the highest paying careers in the world, keep in mind that not everything is about money. If you're not happy with your job, it won't be long before you wear yourself out. Love what you do and be grateful for what you already have.

By Michael Lee

Thursday, 28 April 2011

Presentation Skills and Their Role in Career Development

Presentation skills mean much more than the ability to speak in front of a large crowd. As a career person, it is vitally important to be able to have efficient presentational skills that will enable you to communicate your ideas and thoughts effectively thus developing your career further. You will need to develop these skills so that you can use them through out the course of your career.
Developing efficient presentation skills requires you to have a high level of confidence. Developing a high level of confidence will enable you to stand in front of a large crowd. It will also enable you to give good presentations.

In order to enhance career development by acquiring good presentation skills, you will need to be familiar with technology. These days' public speeches have developed from one-man speech to feature various media visuals such as using power point. Others include short impromptu speeches and educational training sessions.
Therefore, to be able to make use of such technological advancements, you will need to sharpen your skills and acquire training on use of such items.
Practice makes perfect. This is particularly, true when it comes to making a presentation. Even speeches in schools, at weddings and at funerals are forms of presentations that require you to be well equipped with presentation skills.
Therefore, in order to perfect your presentation skills and develop your career, consider taking part in a number of public presentations.
The other way through which you can develop presentation skills in your career is by relaxing. Strange as it might sound, being able to relax while giving a presentation will increase the chances of you giving a good speech.
Most people would rather be asked to jump off a cliff than give a presentation in front of a large crowd. However, in order not to fall a victim of this kind of fear, consider relaxing when in front of a large group of people.
Effective presentation skills require you to prepare adequately before giving public speeches in the course of your career. Research has shown that good preparation and adequate rehearsal will increase your chances of giving good presentations by at least 60%.

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Getting the Job You Desire - Preparing For Various Interview Types

If you've been on multiple job interviews then you know that you might encounter a different environment depending on the company you interview with. This is pretty common because every company has its own culture. And more importantly, each company - and even department - instills its own interviewing strategy.
Sometimes you know what type of interview you're going to walk into and sometimes you don't. So to be prepared for anything, let's take a brief look at varying interview types.

The Screening Interview
Often times, when you apply for a job, the company will look over your resume and cover letter as a sort of filtering process to determine whether you're generally qualified for the job. However, on occasion, a company might go one step further by conducting what is known as a screening interview. In this interview - which might be conducted in person or over the phone - a representative will ask you some questions to determine your interest in the job and basic qualifications.
Structured Interview
Another interview type that you might be prepared for - and that is quite common - is the structured interview. In this type of interview, the interviewer will ask specific, predetermined questions meant to explore experience, skills and personality traits. The goal of this type of interview is to find the ideal candidate. Very often, this interview is the determining factor in whether you will be hired for a position.
Stress Interview
This type of interview style is rarer than others because it is a bit unorthodox. During this interview, the interviewer will try to intentionally upset you to see how you might react under pressure. You might be asked questions designed to make you feel uncomfortable. Or the interviewer may interrupt you while you're speaking.
Group Interview
The group interview is pretty much just what you think it is. It is a number of representatives from the company opting to interview you at the same time. Often times, each member of the group is designated a style of questions to ask (ex. stress). However, other times, the interviewers may be allowed to start a sort of "free for all" as long as they don't step on the toes of other interviewers.
Multiple Interviews
If you have been moving up the corporate ladder over the past few years then you may have noticed that you first started with structured interviews only. However, as you're moving higher up the chain, you may be participating in multiple interviews.
Multiple interviews are usually a combination of several types of interviews you're already familiar with. For instance, you may first undergo a screening interview so they can determine whether you're qualified to move on to the next step. Then you may attend a group interview where multiple representatives will have an opportunity to determine your qualifications. Finally, you might go to an informal interview - possibly at a lunch - where you meet with one or more interviewers to talk casually about the job.
There are other interview types out there to consider, including targeted and situational. By knowing what's out there, you can more easily prepare for any interviewing scenario you find yourself in.

Monday, 25 April 2011

Job Interview Skills - How To Answer Job Interview Questions

Job interviews are not much fun for most people. The pressure to be look and sound confident and knowledgeable is very stressful. Being asked job interview questions, often of a reasonably personal nature, by people you don't know, is tough. And sadly, doing more interviews doesn't necessarily make you better at them due to the negative affect on your confidence and self esteem.
Job Interview Skills
There is a lot of good advice available on how to prepare for a job interview. You are likely to already know the importance of basic job interview skills such as;

1. A clean and tidy personal appearance. First impressions definitely matter! We all automatically and unconsciously make judgments about a persons character within the first few seconds of seeing them. Sure, that judgment might be wrong and unfair, but it is still going to count.

It is possible to reverse a negative first impression with great job interview answers, but it is really hard. So take care to dress appropriately (and this usually means somewhat conservatively) when presenting for any job. Think about it like this - this is an important race that you want to win, so you want to get a legitimate head start instead of a handicap.
2. Have a well prepared curriculum vitae (CV), but even more importantly, know everything that is in it so that you can confidently answer any questions about it. It isn't a good look if you can't remember important aspects of your work history or your skills and education.
3. Learn the most common job interview questions and prepare your answers in advance. And practice them. Your answers might look good on paper, but you need to speak them to check that they sound right to someone hearing them. Of course, practicing them also means that you'll be more confident giving them during the interview. But a word of caution - don't get too good. Perfect answers delivered without any apparent thought or consideration stand out as being rehearsed, and therefore possibly not genuine. When taken to extreme, this can lead to doubts about the honesty of those answers and therefore the integrity of the job applicant. Watch out too for questions you didn't prepare for - it really stands out if some unexpected questions seriously interrupt your otherwise perfect performance. Don't get this wrong; this preparation and practice is really important, but be careful to retain your flexibility to easily adjust if necessary.
When preparing job interview answers to typical job interview questions, try putting yourself in the employer's position. Most employers don't enjoy the job interview process much more than the job applicants. Did you know that they are also under pressure, albeit somewhat different to you? The search for a new employee is time consuming and costs money, and there is always the risk of making a bad choice.
So to try to reduce the risk of making a bad choice, they ask questions that are intended to help them understand you as well as possible in the short time available to them. Good job interview questions are usually the hard job interview questions. They require you to explain things that will provide insights into your character. If you keep in mind what the employer is trying to learn via these questions, then you'll be able to prepare answers that could help to make them feel that you are a good choice because you present little or no risk.
Think about what is important to an employer. In nearly all organizations, you'll be required to work as part of a team. So think of examples that show how you're a good team player. If you're trying for a supervisor or management position, teamwork is still important, but also think of examples where you showed good leadership? Are your qualifications not quite good enough? Then think of examples that show your "can do" attitude and how quickly you can learn. In tough economic times you might be over qualified for the job you're applying for, so think about the doubts that the employer might have such as, will you become bored or still be looking for another job or how well will you fit into the organization? Think of ways to address these doubts in some of your other answers as these types of concerns might not be raised directly.
So the main job interview tip of this article is that it can really help to be the job candidate that best eliminates any risks or doubts that nearly all employers have about hiring a new employee. Still give honest and genuine answers, but be aware of all the important nuances of the job interview questions so you can maximize your chance of success.

Saturday, 23 April 2011

How to Make a Good Impression in a Job Interview

It is no secret that jobs are few and far between these days. Even those who get interviews end up being overlooked for someone more qualified or someone looking for less money. The key to finally landing the job of your dreams is not just getting noticed enough to get an interview, but to really stand out during the interview. You need to leave a great impression on your potential employer so they understand the value of hiring you and remember you when it comes time to make the final hiring decision.
There are a few things you can do to get started on the right foot and really make yourself stand out among the competition. There are also a few things you should avoid when interviewing. Start by putting the past behind you and focusing on the positive future you could have with this new company. Avoid talking about previous employment problems, and when you have to do so, downplay the negative. If you have had experiences with a comp lawyer or a worker's comp attorney, do your best to leave the details out of the meeting. Even in cases when you were not at fault in any way, it is still best if you not bring this information into the interview.
If you find yourself in a situation where you must give the details of previous problems, be sure to accentuate the positive. Chances are, you learned a valuable lesson, you had a chance to change how you see things, or you may have had a chance to make amends. The important thing is to show your potential employer that even though something bad happened, you made the best of it and learned a lesson.

Those who are concerned about what you should do in an interview should first take a look at their wardrobe. It is important that you dress professionally and approach your interview with a positive attitude. Some people like to wear certain colors like navy blue, gray, or black to an interview. Others choose to stand out with a colorful accessory or sharp pair of shoes. Make sure your clothing is clean, pressed, and in good repair.

Along with dressing the part, be sure you act professionally. Do not bring anyone along with you to the interview, even if you feel insecure about traveling alone. Bring a note pad along to make notes and jot down a few questions you can ask the potential employer so you appear interested. Keep the discussion away from salary and benefit topics, but ask them about the history of their company, their company philosophy, or what a typical work day would be like. You may also want to share a few facts you already know about the company just to show you did your research.

Finally, no matter what else you do or do not do during the interview, be sure you arrive on time. Leave yourself at least a fifteen minute cushion so you have time to check in with the receptionist and catch your breath for a few minutes before the interview begins. If you will be traveling a long way, account for traffic problems.

Connor R Sullivan

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Job Hunting Strategy - How To Develope a Winning Proactive Job Hunting Strategy!

A winning job hunting strategy-don't follow the crowd but develop a proactive job hunting strategy!

The average job search, according to most experts takes up to five months or longer to find a job. The higher the salary or a career in a very narrow niche, normally, the longer the search. Being out of work five months or longer is a long time to be working at a job hunt.

There are a number of reasons the job hunt takes so long. One of the main reasons is because most job seekers are using the almost identical job search strategy. It is a "wait and wish" strategy. First they search for jobs that are advertised, in the local newspaper or the internet. Second, they select a job that they may be qualified for and send in a resume. Finally, they "wait and wish" for a positive response.

Most job hunters are not aware that about 25% of all jobs that are being filled are through advertising-the visible job market. When told about this many job hunters are surprised. This means there is a less visible or hidden job market where about 75% or more jobs are filled without advertising. This is positive news for the job applicant who is willing to develop a strategy to tap into this hidden job market.

Here are five steps, which are easy to implement, to tap into this out of sight job market.

1. Identify where you want to work, the type of job you would qualify for and if possible the employers you would be interested in working for. Build a list of potential employers that you call your career prospect list. This list should be as long as possible, don't overlook any possible opportunities.

2. Now you need to do some research on each potential employer on your career prospect list. Use the internet if the organization has a web site. Otherwise, your local library has information on many companies. Look for current company news (events over the past year; people promoted, new products, etc.) in the local newspaper or a local business journal.

Look for a directory of company officers and managers. Use this information to send your employment package directly to the appropriate company official.

3. Don't overlook the advertised positions. Budget your job hunting time wisely. If the advertised jobs are 25% of available jobs, keep your job hunting time in balance. One tip: If you see an employer looking for employees in an area that you may not be qualified chances are since they are growing they may have now or in the future openings to which you may be qualified.

4. You have the name of the company official in the department or area that you would be working. Now is the time to do something that many job hunters do not do. Make direct contact with the organization, personalize your cover letter and resume.

5. Just sending a resume and cover letter to a prospective employer, without proper follow-up, will drop you back in the "wait and wish" category. Develop a tight follow-up system. Be persistent and determined to follow-up on the information sent the company. If you can't get through on the phone send a follow-up letter. If you can get an email address us this avenue.

If you get through and the answer is "no," find out if there might be something in the future. Thank them for their time and ask if they know of anyone that might be interested in your qualifications. If they give you a referral be sure to send them a thank you note.

This system does work. Often when your resume and cover letter gets to an official or manager, they may have been thinking about adding a function, or someone just quit or got fired and now you are the only applicant. This process will put you ahead of the majority of job hunters, you'll get a job quicker and the job will likely be a better fit for your career.

By John Groth

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Effective Resume Writing Strategies That Work

In today's tough economic climate, the competition for jobs is fierce indeed, which is all the more reason we need to be using effective resume writing strategies that work!

Here, we are not going to show you how to put your resume together; instead, we will share five excellent resume writing tips that you can use.

Tip #1: Know the job and company you are targeting.

Do your research before you start or update your resume. Look up the company you are applying to, and learn everything you can about it. Search online, talk with people in the industry, and make notes. Learn their mission statement, what their goals are, and how they are perceived in the community.

Notice that when you are researching the company, you are likely to see a few things or facts that stand out or are repeated. Also, this type of research could bring issues to the surface that you might not have noticed or learned about earlier. In fact, you might also uncover some information that might make you uncomfortable about the company, showing you that they may not be a good fit for you. Remember, even though you are focusing on their needs, and how you can benefit them, using effective resume writing strategies means that it has to feel good to you, too!

When you are armed with plenty of information about the company and the job that you're targeting, you can begin to formulate some key phrases that you will use in your resume, whether it's in a qualification or an accomplishment.

Tip #2: Talk their talk.

In other words, use language in your resume that the company and industry uses. Don't go overboard on jargon, but using industry terminology further shows the company that you know what you're talking about.

This can be a very valuable tip if you are posting your resume online. It is possible that an employer might search candidates using specific keywords and keyword phrases - and if you have these in your resume, this could help bring your resume to the top of the pile.

Word of warning: Use keywords and keyword phrases judiciously. Don't overuse them, otherwise you could be perceived as "keyword spamming." Just use them naturally, where appropriate. A good rule of thumb is that one keyword or keyword phrase for every 100 words of text should be fine.

Tip #3: Prepare your resume so that it targets one job and one company.

Thanks to the marvels of word processing, it is relatively easy to tailor your resume to the job and company your are targeting. If you are sending out 5 resumes to 5 different employers, make sure each resume is specific to each company. You can do this by putting a simple addition to a summary statement, such as: "How I Can Help ABC Company's Finance Department..." or some such statement.

Specifically mentioning the job and company in your resume will set you apart. The employers will see that you spent time focusing on them. These are not only effective resume writing strategies, but strategies that also show employers that you are different. You really care. You really do want to join their team! You look like a winner!

Word of warning: Be double sure, no... make that triple sure that you carefully review every resume you send out to ensure that you are matching your resume to the right company!

Tip #4: Highlight critical and important information.

It is perfectly acceptable to highlight information that you want to be sure your reader sees. Consider that you only have a few seconds to get someone's attention on your resume, and that someone is likely only scanning through at first. Knowing that, if, in your accomplishments, for example, you state that you have managed 35 accounts worth $1.2MM each, you might want to highlight it by either bold facing it, underlining it, or italicizing it, thereby increasing the odds that the reader sees it.

So now, your wording might be: "Managed 35 accounts worth $1.2MM each..." with it either boldfaced, italicized or underlined. I prefer underlining, but do what feels best to you.

Tip #5: Make sure that your resume reflects the job and salary you want.

I shudder when I see resumes that downplay the individual. It's almost never intentional, but it is very common to see someone (especially younger, more inexperienced workers) say something like this: "Seeking an Entry Level Position in Marketing."

How terrible! That statement tells the employer that the job seeker is only worth about $10 per hour (or less), even if the position is slated to pay $20 per hour. It also sends a message - even if it's an unconscious message - that the worker is 1) inexperienced, 2) not confident, and 3) not qualified.

A resume is no place to give an impression that you're looking down at your shoes and saying you probably aren't worth the $20 per hour that the job should pay!

So, how do you word your summary statement or title at the top of the resume? Even if you are not terribly experienced or somewhat new to the job force, accentuate what great benefits you have that you're offering the company! Don't be afraid to use your power!

Using the previous example, try this: "Seeking to use my skills and knowledge to help ABC Company's Marketing Department..."

Or, for example, let's say you have 5 years of sales experience, and your best quarter was when you sold $200,000 worth of services to 5 different accounts.

You wouldn't want to state that you were "seeking a sales position." Instead, try this:

"Looking to join the ABC Company's sales team where my previous high-volume sales experience will benefit your bottom line..." and underneath that statement, you might highlight: "Sold $200K to 5 accounts within first quarter of 2009."

Kathleen Tremblay

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Presentations - 5 Ways to Make a Great Impression

For most of us we will have to make a presentation at least once in our life. This may be in front of 2 or 3 people or it could be an audience of over 500. However, the important thing is not the size of the audience but how effective your presentation is. An effective presentation is one that gets your message across clearly and is understood by the audience. An effective presentation relates to your audience and it ensures they learn something new.

As well as the content of your presentation how you present it will also determine how effective it is. When you begin your presentation follow the tips below to make a good impression.

1. It is normal to be nervous before you give a presentation. Actually it is better to be nervous because you can use that energy to your advantage by giving a more energetic and interesting presentation. Although, it is good to be nervous you have to use it and channel it correctly otherwise, the nerves will get the better of you. The first thing to do is to relax. You have prepared and practiced your presentation that you could do it blindfolded. Have all your notes, handouts and PowerPoint in order. Use the 5 or 10 minutes beforehand to breathe deeply and visualize that you are going to give a confident performance.

2. Many people who give presentations to large audiences on a regular basis arrive early and introduce themselves to members of the audience. This is a great way to engage with your audience and bring down any barriers before giving the presentation. By engaging with them beforehand you will find the audience more receptive and warmer. This will also help you to keep calm and more relaxed.

3. If you are giving a presentation at an event it is likely that you will be introduced by the main presenter or organizer. It is good practice to pick up what is said about you as your introduced. During your introduction people will mention your background or interests and you can follow up on these as you begin your presentation. This can be used to introduce a little humor to warm up the audience.

4. Before you start make sure you have your audience's attention. The main person introducing you will be able to do this. However, if there is no one to introduce you then, you need to do this yourself. This can be achieved by standing there silently for a few moments or if that does not work then, begin with a few light coughs and introduce yourself.

5. If you have prepared in advance you will have set a time limit to finish the presentation. It is important that you do not overrun as this will delay the organizers schedule.

Peter Nibley

Monday, 18 April 2011

Make the Best Impression on Your Job Interview

It's of extreme importance to make a great first impression when going to your first interview. Many people find this tricky, as the initial interview is normally of a short period of time, and you have so much that you want to convey to the interviewer during this period. You want to convey that your confident, genuine, hard working, honest, and overall a likable person, but many people struggle with where to start on this, and as a result, get stressed out before and during the interview, and this then has a knock on effect on how they actually do during the interview.

In this article, I'd like to mention some of the things I normally do when going for interviews. I've had many interviews over the years, and hand on heart, I can say I have a 90% and above success rate. Now these weren't interviews for small corner stores (although we all have to start somewhere) but a mixture of environments, from working within an electronics store, working for a top law firm in the capital city, to working in a small television studio. These are a mixture of jobs, but the basics are always the same in that you have to convey the correct message.

The first thing you need to do is to make sure that your appearance is up to scratch. This includes everything from the clothes you'll wear, to how your hair looks. For most interviews this would involve wearing a business suit, but for some, it may be a bit more casual. Find out what is expected, and dress appropriately. For example, if your going for an office position, wear a business suit with polished shoes. It's always best to try and dress better than they'll expect you to dress without going over the top. Remember you want to stand out, but stand out for the right reasons.

Personally, I don't normally wear aftershave when going for interviews, as there is a slim chance the interviewer either won't like the scent or they could be allergic. I don't want to take the risk, so I make sure that all my clothes are fresh, I smell good via deodorant, and that I chew on some gum before I go into the interview, making sure to dispose of it before getting to the premises.

You'll want to bring a copy of your CV and cover letter to the interview, as you may be asked for it by the interviewer, and it shows good preparation skills if you have this to hand. When you see the person who'll be conducting the interview, give them a genuinely warm smile, and a firm handshake. They'll then take you to where the interview will commence, only sit down once they've told you to. When you do sit down, and during the interview, keep good eye contact, remembering to look away every now and then as you don't want to scare them by rarely blinking or breaking the eye contact, and sit upright in the chair, don't slouch. Don't interrupt the person when they speak, but be firm in your voice when talking to convey confidence. Don't fidget in your chair as this displays nervousness, so no tapping your foot on the floor, changing position every minute, looking around the room, playing with your jewellery etc.

Hopefully you've researched the position before hand, as you'll always be asked if you have any questions to ask the interviewer at the end of the interview. Don't dive into pay related questions, instead focus on the company, and your possible role within it. What would be the learning curve for yourself for example, would you work alongside someone or would you be by yourself for the first week etc. Don't ask slacker questions, so questions about how long is the lunch break, how many holiday dates are you entitled to etc. When you get the job, this will all be told to you in due course.

During the interview, remember that whilst you are the one on the spot, this is only to an extent, as while they want to see if your suitable for the position, you also want to find out whether this is a company you want to work for. The pressure really isn't only on you. You need to ask questions and get a feel for the company and the position in which you will be working. How does the interviewer come across, what do you think of the premises and what the companies aims and goals are etc.

After the interview, again, give the interviewer a firm handshake, and thank them for their time. Leave the premises immediately, don't hang about. Your aim for this interview, was to come into the interview at least 15 minutes ahead of time to convey that you're a good time keeper, impress them during the interview using the steps mentioned so far, and then be on your way. There have been many stories told about people who have interviewed well, and then screwed it up at the end by hanging around and doing something foolish. Don't make this mistake.

Now, I'll mention something to you which not many people do, and which can work massively in your favour, so pay attention. The majority of people have an interview, finish the interview, and then wait for a call back or a letter in the post. This isn't proactive enough for my liking. What I do, and what I've had great success doing is sending a thank you letter to the interviewer. The same day I've been interviewed, I'll type up a letter, basically stating that I want to thank them for their time, and for the possibility of working for their company etc. Address it to the interviewer at the company, and post it that day, so that they'll either receive it the next day, or the day after.

D Trotman

Sunday, 17 April 2011

Career Planning - Your Guide to a Successful Future!

Having a career plan is a useful tool to monitor your career progress. It cannot be overemphasized the importance of having a realistic workable career plan. The operative words here are that you work the plan. You monitor your career progress and over time you make adjustments to your career plan as circumstances change.
Following are some basic ideas laid out for you to start planning and managing your career. Working on a career plan means you have to spend time understanding and organizing yourself.
Your career goal is to maximize you skills, talents and abilities. Reflecting on your unique set of skills, strengths and limitations and how they change is time never wasted. Thinking about these things leads to a certain lucidity so when future opportunities are presented you can quickly make good choices.
Rapid changes in the economy, in the nature of work and organizations have complicated the career planning process. Gone are the days when many career plans looked like steps on a staircase. Predictable step by step career plans can't now be relied on and you must plan for greater flexibility with more frequent review and analysis of your progress and situation.
Look around, often those who are most skilled in managing their career and maximizing opportunities get the promotions and the best jobs. Let's see if we can help vault you into that group so you can manage your career progress through a well thought out career plan.
The foundation of your career plan has to be based on your understanding of who you are, what is important to you and your ideas and hopes for the future. This detailed understanding will help you to begin the process of developing your career plan.
Answering the following simple questions will get you started. In the past did you change jobs? If so why? What are the noteworthy influences in your life? How have these influences affected your career?
Now examine your skills. What are your major skills? What are your principal strengths? What limitations do you have? List your successes and failures. Do you have any underdeveloped talents? What are they? What are your wishes and dreams? Where do you see yourself in the near future, longer term?
Now look at what options do you have to make changes in your career plan. Is there a large gap that you need to start working on or do you need to make smaller improvements a number of factors? Write out your goals to your career plan. Keep each item measurable in both the short and longer term. If for example, your need a course in self-study, and plan on reading 48 books in the next two years, your career plan would be to read two books a month.
One career planning area that many find productive is to increase your satisfaction on you current job. Look around, is there an opportunity to undertake a new project, participate in a job swap, look for new responsibilities, come up with new ways to do things, go out of your way to mentor others, or even look at part-time or flexible employment.
The other main area in career planning is to change yourself by learning new skills or updating others or resetting your expectations and possibly reexamining present attitudes. You could take some additional courses at a local college, start a program of self-study, work at developing additional mentors or contact a career coach. All will move you toward achieving you career goals and making your career plans a reality.
Finally after you've looked internally for career opportunities and found nothing but dead ends, you may have to look elsewhere to advance your career. Examine your current situation critically when making plans to change employers. Develop creative solutions to ensure as close a match as possible between what you have planned for your career and what might be available. If you have gaps in your skills plan to get them closed, if you have to learn new skills get on a training and study program, begin studying writing and updating your resume and begin learning the latest in interviewing and job hunting techniques.
The right job may not be available at the right time. You may have to think beyond job opportunities that offer a promotion or increase in salary so don't overlook a sideways move or a job which will give you experience or increase you career satisfaction.
As you periodically review your career plan you will find changes in what abilities are important and others will drop down in priority or some skills become more useful and others become redundant. The key is to review your career plan regularly, at least every three months with a more serious annual review. With these steps you will find yourself more in control, have more satisfaction with your present situation and be more positive and optimistic about your future.

Saturday, 16 April 2011

Job Hunting? Networking Is The Key Strategy

So you're looking for a new job. You have written a compelling CV and crafted a perfect cover letter. You've made contact with job agencies, read the career sections in the papers and sent out numerous applications.
That's great, at least for a start. However, all it really means is that now you're prepared to begin with your real job hunt. Without doubt, recruitment agencies, major and minor newspapers or websites dedicated to job listings are useful tools when looking for employment.
They will give you a feeling for what is available on the market, skills that are in demand and salary ranges you can ask for. For some people reading or placing job ads, either in print or online, might work.
However, if your applications get turned down again and again, it might not be because of your insufficient skill set or expertise. More likely it's because a growing percentage of vacant jobs all over the world are filled through personal referrals. In fact, many of these jobs wouldn't even be publicly advertised, in particular at executive level.
That's why you need to start networking if you're serious about getting a good job fast and without unnecessary frustration. Today, networking has become a key strategy that people use to find new jobs, change careers, advance in their careers or get back into the work force.
The Australian Institute of Management defines networking "as connecting with others without the need for immediate gain ... a proactive investment in the future aimed at building a relationship with another well before assistance is sought."
Growing your list of private, professional and business contacts through networking is a powerful tool and more and more people use it. You can hardly pick up any business or trade magazine without seeing an article about it. You can hardly go out for breakfast without seeing the waitress taking orders for strong Flat Whites and Short Blacks from a group of professionals who deliberately got together to make new business contacts.
Don't underestimate the power of networking. Use it, get your diary out, block time to actively grow the number of people you know. Done well, networking will magically unlock doors for you that you never thought existed and present you with great opportunities.
Networking is a skill, and like almost any other skills, it's possible for you to learn it. To be upfront with you, you better be good at networking, since done badly it will backfire and your career is gone.
Get active! Tap into existing networks and attend a formally organized networking event by networking groups such as Business Networks International ( Capitalize on natural networking opportunities that occur when you play golf or shop in your local supermarket. All you have to do is learn and embrace essential rules of how to become a successful net worker and job offers will find you instead of you finding them.

Friday, 15 April 2011

Don't Let Your Career Drive You - Put Yourself in the Driver's Seat

In the present economy it may be difficult to consider being in charge of your career. I hear people tell me all the time, "I am just happy to have a job in this economy." The tenor of fear in the air is contagious as people are holding on to what they have and spending less. Some of my clients come to me asking for guidance on preparing for a job search even though they still have a job...."just in case." We address these challenges together by creating networking strategies and job search techniques. However, some of my clients have a completely different take in this present economic climate: it has inspired them to re-examine their lives, their jobs, and ultimately search for a career path that provides true meaning and purpose in their lives.
The winter solstice is upon us and a new year has begun. Rosemary Roberts in10 Minute Celtic Spirituality (Fair Winds Press, 2003) describes the solstice as the following, "it was a festival of peace to celebrate the coming of the light." Why not explore this notion of peace and light into your own lives and create the next phase of your life journey through exploring what you really love and want to do, rather than being scared to live? Being gentle with yourself is the peace, and exploring new paths of your journey is the light that shines in front of you to provide you with the clarity to find your life purpose and authentic vocation (Marcia Bench, 2008).
The following tips are not just ideas and thoughts that may be useful in exploring life purpose and authentic vocation, but these are also characteristics many of my clients possess who are further exploring what drives and motivates them along their paths.

Eight tips for putting yourself in the driver's seat:
1. Think of yourself as self-employed. This will put you in the driver's seat as you will consider yourself as a valuable commodity in your present job or job that you are seeking. When you think of yourself this way, you will begin to experience a sense of ownership of yourself in your job that will provide you the energy to negotiate rather than placate.

2. Value yourself. This is important, particularly if you want to stay in your present job. Know what your worth and don't discount what you do. Be your own best-friend, and remember that any past loyalty that you have had to your employer will be moot once the going gets tough.

3. Network Network Network!!!! Even the most introverted person can network. Talk to everyone and find out who knows whom among your own network. You never know who you may meet. Eighty percent of jobs are found in the unpublished job market and one way to find these jobs is through networking. If you think you are an introvert, then approach networking as if you are conducting research and acquiring information. Don't say, "Do you know of any jobs in your company?" Instead, get to know folks and let them get to know you. Find out what they do, what their company does, and let them know what you do.

4. The unpublished job market. Many people do not even know that the unpublished job market exists. What is the unpublished job market? These are jobs that are "not" published in newspapers, trade magazines, and the internet. These are jobs that may not even be created yet but once a hiring manager meets you he or she may decide that it is time to create this position. How do you find out about these jobs? Through networking, as mentioned above, informational interviews, and targeted letters to hiring managers.

5. Brand yourself. Highlight your most marketable attributes in your resume, changing your resume as necessary for each job you apply for. There a variety of resumes such as the chronological, functional, and the executive resume. Find out which one is best for you and for each job situation.

6. There is abundance even in a recession. Keep this concept in mind as it will keep you positive and draw opportunities your way. If you remain or become negative and think that there is nothing else out there besides what you already have then you are setting yourself up to fail. When you open yourself up to the possibilities and potentials out in the world, they will come your's called the Law of Attraction. There is enough out there for everyone.

7. Ask yourself, if you were to only live another six months, what would you do with the rest of your life? Asking this question can provide you with a perspective that you may have never taken before. It will allow you the opportunity to explore what really matters to you while realizing that life is short and stop brushing aside what is really important.

8. Self-care. Surround yourself with positive people. Engage with a support group and have meaningful relationships. Exercise, meditate, learn for an hour every day, and do whatever it takes to give yourself the balance of emotional, mental and physical health you require to maintain a healthy lifestyle and positive outlook so you too can take charge of your career and drive it into the direction that you want it to go in.

By Kit Samuels

Thursday, 14 April 2011

Ten Ways to Create a Professional Resume

1. Begin with an Interactive layout: Itemize your key points and bold them. Do not use downloadable software because they are dull and shared by other people so it could be common. Don't be crazy about it but use your creativity. If you are modest, you can make it a little bit colored.
2. Don't use Left Align but justify the Texts: Some people used to read justified text and due to this, your resume will be easy to read and follow for them. This will give them interest in going through your resume and digest them very well.

3. A common Font is Preferable: Some of the best fonts that are good for your resume are Times New Roman, Verdana, and Arial. This is not the time to be carrying out all manner of experiments on the font to use. Some of the PC does not have enough fonts installed on them therefore the file or document will not be shown correctly to the people and might even give them another interpretation when you make use of decorative fonts instead. If you want your employer to take you serious, and then avoid using cutesy graphics like teddy bears and candy canes because this is not good or suitable for business correspondence. If you do this, I assured you that your resume will end up in recycling bin.
4. Avoid Using "I" in Your Resume: Let each of your sentence start with effective verb. For instance:
- Arranged annually student symposium by inviting speakers and working hand in hand with marketing department
- Carried out production bonus in all department and raising all activities in all the departments with 40%

5. Back your Resume with Cover Letter: Cover letter is the correct and polite behavior for the job seekers. Always back up your resume with cover letter. Let your cover letter be directly to the position you are applying for. Common or general cover letter cannot work in your favor or to your advantage. Make sure you address your cover letter to your employer or to somebody there in the company if possible to the manager in charge of hiring.
6. Go over Your Resume Word-by-Word: Check your spelling and grammatical error when you finish typing it, even typos is not left out. Check the grammar very well because you can not rely on computer 100% for this function.
7. Year of your Qualification and Your Qualification must be Included: Some resume scanning system does not reckon with the degrees you obtain but the year you obtain it. Make sure you write the year you qualified along with your qualification so that you will not be left out.
8. Remove All E-mails links and Website Addresses in Your Cover Letter and Resume: Highlight the link by right clicking your mouse and scroll down to where you see "delete" or "remove" to perfect it.
9. Consistency: Be consistent in using the Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel because despite that they are both correct, they are not consistent when they are used together. For instance, don't write your date as 4/20/2010 and write another one as 6/2010. Consistency matters in resume writing. Take note!
10. Take Note of Punctuation and Capitalization: If you don't understand this rule of punctuation and capitalization, then try to use reference manual. Don't mingle up sentences without observing comma, semicolon, and so on and also when to use capital or small letter. This also beautifies your resume. If you mix up everything, no employer will even bother to go through your resume. It will end up in dust bin.
Taking note of the above ten steps will make you look professional in your resume writing. You won't even stay long outside before given you a job. That is, this will quickly graduate you from applicant level or job seeker to your dreamed position in your job.

By Alex Fendy Millier

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Top Ten Job Search Strategies

If you are laid off, worried you will be, underemployed or just keeping your resume up to date this article is for you.
Over the last ten years the rules have changed in marketing every product. This change has affected how you will find work. We all know, the absolute best way to find a job is through networking. The unadvertised job is usually your dream job or career. Being able to network with the top officials of organizations is how to tap into this underground market.

Here are ten tips to help you make the most of your job search today:

1. Set solid career expectations and goals. Make a business plan just for your career. Break your career into ten year increments which will allow for a measurable result. Every solid business plan includes a marketing plan. Develop a strong marketing plan. It is not who is the best candidate to gets the job and in many cases it is the person with the best marketing campaign.

2. Follow the career business plan to the letter.  This point cannot be emphasized enough. Having a written plan gives you a 99% better chance of accomplishing any goal; strictly following the plan gives you that extra 1%. Your job is to find a job, spend the productive day hours applying and interviewing for positions that fit your goals.

3. Perfect your resume. Resume writing has changed. Consult with a professional recruiter to review your resume.

4. Know your skills, abilities and motivations. All to often candidates are not marketing to their skills and abilities. Knowing what your strengths and weaknesses are will ensure you are thoughtful and growth oriented. Do not be blind sided by the "tell me your top three weaknesses".

5. Explore all industry options. What would the ideal environment look like for you? What industries have this type of environment? For example, if you want to wear jeans everyday apply to those types of organizations.

6. Marketing is a numbers game. To play this game successfully becoming a sales professional is a must. Searching out all opportunities and applying to each of those that fit your desired environment is critical.

7. Do not take rejection personally. There are five applicants for every job posted, 14.9 million remain unemployed. To be noticed today you must be aggressive, consistent, and persistent. Due to the number of those looking for work you must stay on top of your game to secure your next great job.

8. Contact the employers you most want to work for.

9. Be seen and get noticed. Go to every possible networking event in your area if you are not relocating. Be seen everywhere, be known as someone who will be seen everywhere. Make sure you have business cards for yourself and place the top three to five strengths you bring to the table on this card. Let everyone know you are looking for a new opportunity. This is how to connect with the underground employment market. This unpublished market is where the highly compensated positions will be found. Make certain you follow up with anyone you meet at this networking event by sending them a quick email reminding them you are available.

10. Refine and practice your interviewing skills. Successful people do what unsuccessful people do not want to do. Successful people do what has to be done. Give up the television every night and practice your sixty second commercial, practice phone skills, prepare and practice common interview questions. Being prepared is critical for a successful job search.
Following these steps will ensure your job search is shortened from the average seven months. Do not be swayed into thinking you have plenty of time if you are laid off. If you are underemployed staying in the job search with an up to date resume can ensure you locate the right position for your talents. Most employers and recruiters believe good talent does not stay on the market for a long time, just like opportunities. The trick is to attractively position yourself for this new high speed job search marketplace.

Robin Harpe

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Golden Methods to Get Highest Paying Jobs

Today you will find the prices of all the things are increasing. The one who can not meet day to day needs wants a better salaried job, which is his/her basic requirement. The one who generates enough money to earn his/her living wants more. So the want, the greed is the motivation to search the highest paying jobs. Here are some of the golden methods to get highest paying jobs. Placement Services: The placement services are authorized professionals. Many companies enter into contract with the placement agencies. The placement agencies take the whole and sole responsibility to provide the manpower. All you have to do is enroll your name in the placement agency. They ask for the information about your present employment, CTC and salary expected etc. They document your professional details and contact you when they come across the relevant opening

Networking: Networking is serving as a boon today. There are many job portals who are active 24X7. The candidate has to acquire the membership of that portal and you will get the job alerts free of cost. You have to fill the complete profile over there. You have to upload the resume cover letter as well as your latest resume. You can avail the paid services of the job portals if you want to grab the highest paying jobs. 

There are special communities such as linked in, yahoo group, creative writers’ community etc. Once you become a member of any such kind of society and publish the information such as you are a job seeker and wants the job in particular field, the recruiters who view your status may give you an opportunity to appear for the interview.

These are the representative ways that help to search jobs of high salary. Compared to old days, it has really become easy to search and grab the job opportunity but always remember that is not all. The highly paying jobs expect quality results and responsibilities come complementary to the salary. So grab the highest paying jobs and make the most of it with your focused efforts, skills and hard work.

If you want to get a good exposure it is the right career path which ensures you name, fame and money. Now a day most radio channels broadcast 24*7 so there are several shifts. In all the shifts anchors, technical staffs, story editors and other members are continuously needed. So… It might be possible that it could be Night jobs or in any other shift so do not hesitate just give wings to your career and fly to get the heights.
By alexavier