If you are laid off, worried you will be, underemployed or just keeping your resume up to date this article is for you.
Robin Harpe
Over the last ten years the rules have changed in marketing every product. This change has affected how you will find work. We all know, the absolute best way to find a job is through networking. The unadvertised job is usually your dream job or career. Being able to network with the top officials of organizations is how to tap into this underground market.
Here are ten tips to help you make the most of your job search today:
1. Set solid career expectations and goals. Make a business plan just for your career. Break your career into ten year increments which will allow for a measurable result. Every solid business plan includes a marketing plan. Develop a strong marketing plan. It is not who is the best candidate to gets the job and in many cases it is the person with the best marketing campaign.
2. Follow the career business plan to the letter. This point cannot be emphasized enough. Having a written plan gives you a 99% better chance of accomplishing any goal; strictly following the plan gives you that extra 1%. Your job is to find a job, spend the productive day hours applying and interviewing for positions that fit your goals.
3. Perfect your resume. Resume writing has changed. Consult with a professional recruiter to review your resume.
4. Know your skills, abilities and motivations. All to often candidates are not marketing to their skills and abilities. Knowing what your strengths and weaknesses are will ensure you are thoughtful and growth oriented. Do not be blind sided by the "tell me your top three weaknesses".
5. Explore all industry options. What would the ideal environment look like for you? What industries have this type of environment? For example, if you want to wear jeans everyday apply to those types of organizations.
6. Marketing is a numbers game. To play this game successfully becoming a sales professional is a must. Searching out all opportunities and applying to each of those that fit your desired environment is critical.
7. Do not take rejection personally. There are five applicants for every job posted, 14.9 million remain unemployed. To be noticed today you must be aggressive, consistent, and persistent. Due to the number of those looking for work you must stay on top of your game to secure your next great job.
8. Contact the employers you most want to work for.
9. Be seen and get noticed. Go to every possible networking event in your area if you are not relocating. Be seen everywhere, be known as someone who will be seen everywhere. Make sure you have business cards for yourself and place the top three to five strengths you bring to the table on this card. Let everyone know you are looking for a new opportunity. This is how to connect with the underground employment market. This unpublished market is where the highly compensated positions will be found. Make certain you follow up with anyone you meet at this networking event by sending them a quick email reminding them you are available.
10. Refine and practice your interviewing skills. Successful people do what unsuccessful people do not want to do. Successful people do what has to be done. Give up the television every night and practice your sixty second commercial, practice phone skills, prepare and practice common interview questions. Being prepared is critical for a successful job search.
Following these steps will ensure your job search is shortened from the average seven months. Do not be swayed into thinking you have plenty of time if you are laid off. If you are underemployed staying in the job search with an up to date resume can ensure you locate the right position for your talents. Most employers and recruiters believe good talent does not stay on the market for a long time, just like opportunities. The trick is to attractively position yourself for this new high speed job search marketplace.
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